Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: Tenant or user not found FATAL: Tenant or user not found in /home/calmendoue/www/siteau/db.php on line 3

Warning: pg_query() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/calmendoue/www/siteau/a_ouvrage_analyse.php on line 7

Warning: pg_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/calmendoue/www/siteau/a_ouvrage_analyse.php on line 8
1000 premières données sur les analyses en labo
gid id no_ouvrage ancien_irh date_prele date_analy labo ph conductivi tds turbidite caco3 ca2 mg2 k na hco3 cl so4 no3 fer nh4 anion cation balance e_coli c_totaux enterocoqu flore_aero temperatur th no2 cot selenium f bore as antimoine cadnium ni fer_tot al mn silice phosphore_ o2 ba chrome cuivre cyanure t_hydro mercure co3 plomb o18 h2 c13 c14 h3 u232 n14 cl36 sources_do longitude latitude x_coord y_coord altitude geom